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For only $45 you will get a personalized report about your personality type preference and a professional feedback session with Dr. Vicky Jo.

Next-Generation Personality Assessment

The Majors Personality Type Inventory is a concise, advanced assessment tool that builds on 80 years of research about psychological type.


Although it produces the four-letter personality type code that the MBTI® is known for, the code used by counselors and organizations worldwide, it does so via a radically different route than the MBTI®.

The Majors PTI is web-based for ease of access and accuracy. The Majors PTI uses newer methods of asking and weighting the questions, which result in improved accuracy with fewer questions than standard measures of psychological type—only 52 basic items and the innovative Type Precision Module (a form of computer adaptive assessment) for even greater accuracy. This dynamic process can add up to 20 additional items (5 per dichotomy as necessary), which helps to boost instrument validity/accuracy for a wide range of clients.




Differential Intensity Weighting


The Majors PTI™ was created to take advantage of recent advances in the field of psychometric and theoretical thought about personality type. These advances include using a non-forced choice format and respondent-based weighting methods. The purpose of using these new measurement techniques is to create an instrument that more accurately determines Jungian type, as identified by the standard (Myers) four-letter type code; as well as provide a direct accurate scoring of the 8 Jungian mental functions (Majors/Jungian 8-Process Scores).


The Majors PTI™ uses levels of similarity to provide clarity of results and increased precision. By using graduated response scales (somewhat like me, very like me), not only do you receive information about a choice decision (direction), but you also have knowledge of the level of similarity between the person and the response (intensity). This new form of scoring is called Differential Intensity Weighting. The addition of levels in the response format, and the corresponding Differential Intensity Weighting scoring, adds new information that improves the precision of identifying the individual’s natural preference.

Keyboard and Mouse

Quick Typology Assessment

About the program
Program details

7095 Hollywood Blvd. #333
Hollywood, CA 90028

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I specialize in psychological types in various forms including conative, affective, cognitive, MBTI, Jungian cognitive processes, Berens Interaction Styles, DISC, or Keirsey Temperament theory,  I can tell you all about C. G. Jung (Carl Jung), Isabel Briggs-Myers, John Beebe (archetypes), James Hillman, and various other typology authors.  I can help determine whether your personality type is INFJ, INTJ, ENFP, INFP, ENTP, INTP, ENFJ, ENTJ, ESFP, ESTP, ISFP, ISTP, ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, or ESTJ.  I am a trained career coach as well as an Organization and Relationship Systems Coach (ORSC).  I am also a graduate of the Academy for Guided Imagery and can help you get in touch with your subpersonalities via guided active imagination.

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