I Am Passionate About Helping Others Find
Their Essence and Become Their Unique Self
I am a Depth Psychologist. Also a co-active coach, university professor, imagier, and yes, maieutic. I enjoy pursuing processes that evoke and support human transformations. I thrive on the esoteric—alchemy, Gnosticism, and ancient Islamic mysticism. I vibe with the pioneering work of C.G. Jung—from personification to typology to synchronicity and anything to do with Tiefenpsychologie—deep psychology. I am an enthusiast for delivering andragogic adult education. When not delving in these domains, I enjoy traveling in Europe and seeking out misericords in archaic cathedrals.

2021: Symbolon Reflection Method Certification
2011: Certified Vision Board Counselor
2010: SHIFT-IT Coach and graphic facilitation training
2008: Academy for Guided Imagery (Interactive Guided Imagery Practitioner)
2007: PCC (Professional Certified Coach—International Coach Federation)
2006: Myers Briggs Foundation (MBTI Master Practitioner)
2005: Coaches Training Institute (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach)
2004: Job and Career Development Coach certification
2001: Interstrength Methodology Certification
1996: Temperament Research Institute (MBTI Certification)
Academic Education
2018: PhD in Depth Psychology (with an emphasis on Jungian and Archetypal studies).
Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, California. -
2015: MA in Depth Psychology (with an emphasis on Jungian and Archetypal studies).
Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, California. -
1975: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre and Cinema
Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri.
Vocational Education
Symbolon Reflection Certification
Coaches Training Institute Leadership
Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC)
Inside Team Coaching with Cynthia Loy Darst
A Bigger Game with Rick Tamlyn
Dream-Tending with Steve Aisenstat
Conferences / Workshops / Presentations
Published Works
2024: Bay Area Association for Psychological Type Presentation
“Typology, Coaching, and Values” -
2024: British Association for Psychological Type In-Person Conference (June)
“Typology of Imaginal Figures Workshop” -
2024: Bay Area Association for Psychological Type 40th Anniversary Conference
“A Stroll Down Memory Lane” -
2024: British Association for Psychological Type Virtual Conference (April)
“Introduction to the Typology of Imaginal Figures” -
2023: London Arts-Based Research Centre Alchemy Conference: Exploring Metaphorical Transformations and Arts-Based Research
“Transformation through Alchemical Depth Typology” -
2023: Imagery International 15th Annual Conference
“Resolving Conflict via the Imaginal Personification of Drama Triangle Roles” (Keynote Speaker) -
2023: British Association for Psychological Type Conference
“Typological Aspects of the Drama Triangle” -
2022: Australian Association for Psychological Type Conference
"The Trimorphic Ethoi of Psychological Types" -
2022: Polish Portal of Analytical Psychology of C. G. Jung Conference
Limits, Liminality and Primeval Experience
“Iconoclasm of the Psyche” -
2022: Bay Area Association for Psychological Type
"The Masks we Wear; The Masks we Hide" -
2022: British Association for Psychological Type Conference
"Ambiversion: Fact or Fallacy?" -
2021: Australian Association for Psychological Type Conference
"Gottman, Beebe, and Jung – Some correlations" -
2020: 11th International Conference on the Dialogical Self
"The Lost Art of Personification" -
2019: Polish Portal of Analytical Psychology of C. G. Jung Conference
Structures of the Imagination—Image, Myth, and Society
“The Lost Art of Personification” -
2019: British Association for Psychological Type Conference
Closing Plenary Session—“Pearls of Wisdom: Type as a Map, Type as a Springboard” -
2019: Art and Psyche: The Illuminated Imagination Conference
“A Qualitative View of Psychological Types through Visual Imagery” -
2018: British Association for Psychological Type Conference
“Dr. Dee and his Magic Mirror—The Alchemical Origins of the Digital Age” -
2017: Bay Area Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type
“The Noble Gift of Intuition: A closer look at the Intuition function” -
2017: Bay Area Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type
“Sensing and Sensibility: A closer look at the Sensing function” -
2017: British Association for Psychological Type Conference
“Eco-Typology: How types underlie our changing ecology” -
2017: International Association for Jungian Studies Conference
“Can You Spot It? Recognizing Jung’s Cognitive Processes.” -
2016: International Association for Jungian Studies Conference
“Peering at Our Ecology Myth through the Lens of Psychological Types and Generating Some Recommendations Therefrom” -
2016: British Association for Psychological Type Conference
“Recognizing Jung’s 8 Functions in the Real World” -
2016: Sacramento Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type
“Sensing and Sensibility: A closer look at the Sensing function” -
2015: Association for Psychological Type International Conference
“The Making of ‘Can You Spot It? Recognizing Jung’s Cognitive Processes’” -
2014: International Association for Jungian Studies Conference
“The Rebirth and Renewal of Psychological Types” -
2014: Sacramento Chapter of the Association for Psychological Type
“The Making of ‘Can You Spot It? Recognizing Jung’s Cognitive Processes’” -
2013: Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Conference
“Is the MBTI a Crock? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as an Organizational Depth Psychology Tool” -
2013: Association for Psychological Type International Conference
“Meet your Sub-Personalities” -
2012: Dialogical Self Conference
“Conversations with archetypes: Personifying C. G. Jung’s psychological types using John Beebe’s method” -
2012: Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Conference
“Gottman Meets Jung, and they Match! Archetypal Characteristics of the Relationship Patterns of Couples whose Relationships are Failing” -
2011: Association for Psychological Type International Conference
“Coaching a Typology of Consciousness” -
2009: Association for Psychological Type International Conference
“Powerful Coaching Questions Using Type Frameworks” -
2008: Convergence Conference
“Powerful Coaching Questions Using Type Frameworks” -
2007: Association for Psychological Type International Conference
“Discovering Beebe’s Archetypes” -
2006: Australian Association for Psychological Type Conference
“Exploring Beebe’s archetypes: An exploration of the way archetypes manifest in everyday life” -
2002-2008: Presented sessions and workshops on leadership, team-building, and typology at the Share Conference (held twice yearly).
Varner, V. (2022). The Lost Art of Personification. In R. Segal, I. BÅ‚ocian, & A. Kuzmicki (Eds.), Collective structures of imagination in Jungian interpretation: Contemporary psychoanalytic studies, volume 30 (pp. 75–94). Brill.
Varner, V. J. (2021). The Imaginary College Major. ImagiNews, 25(2), 11–12.
Varner, V. J. (2021). The Rebirth and Renewal of Psychological Types. Psychological Perspectives, 64(3), 297-315. DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1994806
Varner, V. J. (2021). Book review: From Types to Images by James Hillman. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 66(5), 1247-1252.
Varner, V. J. (2021). The Vices and Virtues Inherent in I-Positions. In C. Monereo, C. Weise, & H. Hermans (Eds.), Dialogicality (pp. 276-285). International Society for Dialogical Science.
Varner, V. J. (2021). The COVID Pandemic and the Feeling Function. Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies, 16, 77-80.
Varner, V. J. (2021). A Tympanum in a Time of COVID. Personality Type in Depth, April 2021. https://typeindepth.com/2021/04/a-tympanum-in-a-time-of-covid/
Varner, V. J. (2020). Loyalty Within and Without. ImagiNews, 24(3), 14–15.
Varner, V. J. (2019). Systems Coaching, Models of Typology, and Emergence. Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal, 4(1).
Varner, V. J. (2019). Pearls of Wisdom: Type as a Map, Type as a Springboard. TypeFace, 30(1), 19.
Varner, V. J. (2019). A Response to Beebe Criticism. TypeFace, 30(1), 36-39.
Varner, V. J. (2017). Review of: Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type: The Reservoir of Consciousness by John Beebe. Psychological Perspectives: A Quarterly Journal of Jungian Thought, 60(1), 121-125.
Varner, V. J. (2014). Review of: The Question of Psychological Types: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan, 1915-1916 by John Beebe and Ernst Falzader. Quadrant: Journal of the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, XLIV(1), 88-94. https://www.cgjungny.org/quadrant-volume-xliv1-2014/
Varner, V. J. (2013). A Broken Personality Repairs Itself. Personality Type in Depth, November 2013. Retrieved from http://typeindepth.com/2013/11/a-broken-personality-repairs-itself/
Varner, V. J. (2012). Jung’s Typology of Consciousness. Bulletin of Psychological Type, 35(2), 17-19.
Varner, V. J. (2011). Can You Spot It? Recognizing Jung’s Cognitive Processes in the Real World. [online multimedia workshop]. Found at http://cysiworkshop.com/
Varner, V. J. (2009). The New Type Community. Australian Psychological Type Bulletin, 11(2), 37-41.
Varner, V. J. (2007). Relationship Type Combinations. Bulletin of Psychological Type, 30(3), 34-39.
Varner, V. J. (2006). 5 Strategies to Help the Type Professional Clarify Client Type. Retrieved from http://typeinsights.com/media/StrategiesForClarifyingType.pdf
Varner, V. J. (2006). It’s a Blonde Thing—You Wouldn’t Understand. Mensa Bulletin, August 2006, 20-21.
Editorial Contributions
The Archetype of the Apocalypse: Analyzing the Pandemics of Racism, COVID-19, and Climate Change (in press) by William K. Grevatt.
C.G. Jung and the Evolution of God: Vision, Myth, and the Answer to Job (2022) by Lance S. Owens.
Collegial Coaching Conversations (2021) by Martin Richards.
A Coaching Approach to Education: Six Steps Towards Successful Teaching in Tomorrow’s Education System (2013) by Martin Richards.
Psychological Perspectives. Senior Editor for issues 63(4), 64(1), 64(2), 64(3), 64(4), 65(1), 65(2), 65(3/4), 66(1), 66(2), 66(3), 66(4), 67(1), & 67(2).
Turn of an Age: The Spiritual Roots of Jungian Psychology in Hermeticism, Gnosticism and Alchemy by Alfred Ribi.
Jung in Love: The Mysterium in Liber Novus (Full Monograph Edition, 2015) by Lance S. Owens.
C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann: The Zaddik, Sophia, and the Shekinah (2016/2018) by Lance S. Owens.
Jung’s Red Book for our Time: C. G. Jung and the Prophet Puzzle (2017) by Lance S. Owens.
Jung’s Red Book for our Time: Abraxas: Jung’s Gnostic Demiurge in Liber Novus (2017) by Stephan Hoeller.
Gnostic Homilies by Stephan Hoeller.